About Us
Your Child is in Great Hands
Excerpt from our Program Statement
Golf Road School Child Care Centre respects individual differences in social, emotional, intellectual, physical and cultural backgrounds. We believe that each and every child deserves the very best environment supported by knowledgeable staff, support systems and community resources to achieve success regardless of ability, gender or cultural background.
Golf Road School Child Care Centre recognizes the four
foundational conditions that are important for children to grow and flourish:
1. Belonging - a sense of connectedness to others, an individual's experiences of being valued, of forming relationships with other and making contributions as part of a group, a community, the natural world.
2. Well-Being - the importance of physical and mental health and wellness; incorporates capacities such as self-care, sense of health and self-regulation.
3. Engagement - a state of being involve and focused. When children are able to explore the world around them with their natural curiosity and exuberance, they are fully engaged thus helping them to develop skills such as problem solving, creative thinking and innovating.
4. Expression - to be heard as well as to listen; through their bodies, words and use of material, children develop increasingly complex communication.
Download the full Program Statement below.
Download the Parent's Guide below.
Not for Profit
Golf Road School Child Care Centre Inc. is governed by a parent Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is open to all families who have a child(ren) enrolled at either Golf Road School Child Care Centre or Village Green Child Care Centre. If you have a special talent or interest, please consider volunteering and becoming an integral part of the Board of Directors.
According to the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (source):
Non-profit child care services exist to provide a service to the community without financial gain.
Non-profits tend to have a stronger mission to provide high quality care. […] They provide more care for subsidized low income children and children with special needs.
Non-profits put all of their resources back into their programs while commercial centres are set up to also make a profit.
Non-profits hire staff, including directors, who are better trained and better paid, and have more favourable child-staff ratios.
Through the nature of their governance models, non-profits are accountable to parents, governments and taxpayers and are developed in a way that responds to the needs of families and communities first.
Community-based, non-profit services are best able to integrate with other child and family services, such as health and education. Integrated services ensure that a range of supports are available to children and their families.